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An Order Passed By The High Court On Administrative Side Cannot Be Challenged Through Special Leave Petition.

In the case of Nimmanapally Surya Reddy v. Honorable Chief Justice of the High Court of Telangana & Ors. [Miscellaneous Application No. 1281 of 2023 in SLP [C] D No. 23406 of 2022], the Petitioner challenged an administrative ruling issued by the Chief Justice of the High Court of Telangana. This ruling had denied the Petitioner’s request to conduct an online hearing in accordance with the instructions provided by the Chief Justice of India. The Petitioner sought permission to file a contempt case or any other petition and have it heard through online proceedings. The Special Leave Petition was denied registration by the Supreme Court Registrar. Aggrieved by the decision of the Supreme Court Registrar, the Petitioner filed a special leave petition.

The Supreme Court referred to its judgement in Dev Singh and Others v. Registrar, Punjab and Haryana High Court and Others [(1987) 3 SCC 169]. The Court held that “Article 136 contemplates only special leave petition to the Court from adjudication of courts and tribunals and such adjudication must doubtless be judicial. Since no Special Leave Petition can be filed against the administrative order, there is nothing wrong with the order of the Registrar and the order dated 6th January 2023 passed by the Registrar is upheld.

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